Johnny And Mary

"A True Story, I Swear..."

Johnny and MaryNow Johnny knew Mary since they were little tykes,Running in the field, riding their bikes,Like other little kids, they stayed out all day,Doing their chores, later they'll play,Johnny and Mary went to school,Tried real hard, act real cool,Johnny...

Lura falls in Love

"Don't read the end of the story first"

My house is the last in the block, in fact, it is the last house of the street. Here the paving stops and the street turns into a dirt road. No wonder then that there is hardly any traffic. From...

I’m Only Sleeping

"Wife behaves strangely and husband reaps the reward."

Life can be quite predictable, for short periods of time. Every so often, something happens that you never expected, or anticipated. I never dared dream I'd be eating Annie's pussy, and certainly not with my wife's blessing. A little over...

Drive My Car

"Man's wife becomes obsessed with cock size and he worries, a lot."

We sat at the kitchen table, having a quick breakfast before we left for our respective jobs. Patti was checking her make-up and I was trying to finish my coffee, as well as the sports section, before I hit the...

Summer Camp – Part 1

"Nerd send to camp against his will and finds new adventures."

Back in the 80's when I turned eighteen my parents thought I was spending to much time at home playing dungeons and dragons. They wanted me to get out and socialize more with real people. My parent thought if they...

Lake Wannacum Nights – Part One

"Life in a small Minnesota town may be more exciting than you think!"

The first thing a visitor to the quiet Minnesota town of Lake Wannacum is likely to say (other than "Where the hell is the interstate anyway we've been crawling along these dirt tracks for hours, my sat-nav said this was...