How’d that happen 7

"ongoing machinations"

I woke up feeling pretty chipper, The sun had just come in the window and it looked like a real nice day. My houseboy and all around caretaker, Pablo, must have heard me stirring around and getting up and dressing,...

How’d that happen 6

"further adventure of a traveler"

I pulled my horse up up aside of the wagon, leaned over and said “Well, ladies, we're going to make it into Sante Fe in a couple of hours, but you both look a little trail worn. We should pull...

How’d that happen3

"Manipulations of a traveler"

Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it....

How’d that happen 2

"Machinations of a traveler"

I woke up startled. I couldn't figure out why I was naked as a baby. Then I looked around. When what to my wondering eyes should appear. Was this Christmas? What the hell did I do to deserve two gorgeous,...

How’d that happen

"Tribulations of a traveler"

“What the hell is the screaming about” I thought as I pulled my horse up. Another sharp yelp split the air, but this one sounded like a different voice but was definitely female as was the first. I was almighty...

Willie And The Brain

"She was poor, cute, and smart. He was rich, dumb and didn’t have a chance."

Willie and the Brain By Rumple Foreskin Many hours later, as she faced questions from her sorority sisters, Tanya the Tri-Delt Tramp would remember, Willie, the frat boy she’d been screwing cowboy style that morning and his awesome orgasm that...

Cum Enthusiast is my nameI'm sure you can guess whyI'll guarantee you one thingThe name is no lie I'll rock your cockLike no one else canAnd when I'm doneYou'll be my biggest fan Hearing your moansAs you slide all the...

Avatar Magic

"Avatar impressions.."

Her screen name says she’s CameltoeFlo, And she loves to give a man fellatio. She lives somewhere in Idaho, Is she lying? We’ll never know. Then there’s SheilaSucksAlot, Willing to give all she’s got. Says right here she’s very hot,...