I once fell in love with a toy. The use of which gave me such joy. But the batteries died, And after I cried, I went out and got a real boy.The boy has a wonderful cock. With it, my...

Looking for Sex in outdoor places: a cautionary tale

"Boondocks or boudoir, for some it’s not an easy choice"

What a fucking fantastic fuck! Making love outdoors was even better than Angie had imagined. Sitting astride her lover, feeling the sun and wind on her flushed, tingling skin was such a turn-on. Everything around them seemed so peaceful and...

Nice Guys Finish Last – Pt 1

"The MILF at work piques my interest and a relationship develops."

Gabrielle was a doll. She was tall, good-looking, and smart. She was also funny. I had a crush on her within a couple of weeks of our first meeting. When I told her I enjoyed the company of attractive women...

Lisa is Touched by His Noodly Appendage

"Lisa's exhibitionist plans go suddenly awry with the surprise guest nobody expected"

"I am as embarrassed about this as you." Lisa looked up at the tangled mess hovering at eye level. Two eyes on stalks protruded from the gyrating white tentacles. "I don't believe this." Lisa said in astonishment. "Believe me, I...