Just Add Alcohol Ch. 03 – Wendy Jackson

"Wendy Jackson, on her own for the weekend, returns to her hotel and indulges in another drink or two...and some young cock, too."

Chris entered Room 834 at the Fairmont Hotel and was immediately overcome by a smell he knew all too well. An assistant manager of the venerable Chicago hotel, he had been summoned to the room by the head of Housekeeping...

Lola’s Easy Cash

"Her nipples were raw and puffy from being constantly toyed with."

The ecology major couldn't help but rearrange her breasts for the tenth time that hour. It overwhelmed her with anxiety and struggled to stay put on her bed. The room was decorated with led lights and she had her phone...

Five Days: Wednesday

"Maggie decides that a kiss here and a touch there are perfectly fine."

WednesdayFrom the moment Maggie first stirred for the day, Jack was on her mind. Lying there in bed, she recalled the intensely vivid dreams she’d had featuring her sexy, eighteen-year-old neighbor. Dreams about Jack touching her. Dreams about Jack kissing...

Five Days: Tuesday

"Jack comes back to help Maggie with more chores, and Maggie puts on a show for Jack"

TUESDAYMaggie smiled, turning off the 7:00 a.m. alarm that had drawn her from her slumber. Sunlight streamed in through her window. Birds could be heard chirping outside. Jack was coming over in a little under an hour. Throwing off her...