Ch 4. Roxanne And The Hotel Rendezvous.

"Tom meets Roxanne online and then in real life..."

Tom's world had been drastically altered.  His sex life at home with his wife of thirty years had dwindled to a point of non-existence.  She never initiated sex and when he asked for it, she routinely turned him down.  She...

The Billionaire’s Deal

"What would you do if a billionaire offered you a chance of a lifetime for one week only?"

Nic was finishing up a scotch at the hotel bar as he mentally went over his early morning business meeting. After a week of negotiations and contracts, it was a success to acquire the tech startup. It'd cost him a...

Coming In Third

"Coming in third ( generation ) is a real win."

Dave caught up with his friends’ go-carts when they slowed down after finishing the race, and prepared himself.“Getting rusty, there,” was Will’s first jibe.Carl opened with, “Coming in third isn’t bad.”“Except when there’s only three,” Will finished.Dave grinned and shook...

Sexual Surrogate

"Like the line from the Live song, sometimes everybody needs a little fucking change."

From my point of view, nothing had changed.I mean, even if I am a smart-ass, I've always been a nice guy.  So when I left work one night, and Angie from the Parts Department had a flat tire, I didn't...

Ian’s Indiscretions: My Secretary, Catherine (A foreign affair…)

"Ian goes to a Conference and discovers different cultures can have very different attitudes to sex.."

To many I have a perfect life. A family, a loving wife, 2.4 children and even the bounding Labrador. So why would I want to go and risk it all?Her name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in...