An Unforgettable Evening

"a girl, a boy and two toys get acquainted"

Jill Blackthorn paused at the entrance to give her eyes a chance to adjust to the darkness. The club was dark, the air was clear, and the music mercifully soft and low. Jill hated the loud, smokey places packed with...

Just A Brief Affair

"She loved her fiance' but the wounded vet needed her, and it would only be for this weekend."

In Mark Cahill’s considered opinion, things could be one hell of a lot worse. He was out of his room at the nearby Manhattan veterans’ hospital, sitting in a coffee shop on Lexington Avenue and staring across the small cluttered...

A Weekend Getaway

"A sexy couple goes away for a few nights to play slave and master."

We pull into one of the car spaces and get out of the car. Grabbing our bags from the boot, you lock the car and we head towards the front door. The hotel is about forty stories tall on first...