Catherine’s Card Party

"I slammed my cock deep inside and flooded her with cum, which triggered her orgasm, and that’s when the table tipped over."

A few months ago, I decided to upgrade my six-player poker table. Our table was more than adequate for games up to six players, but the two-player games that Catherine and I played after the other players left necessitated the...

A Quiet Grace

"a fraction of his joy"

He seeks respecta quiet graceHonesty in every spaceTrust like earthboth firm and trueYet yearns for wildin a shadowed viewA daring flamefierce and brightTurns devotion into lightIn her embraceboth bold and rareHe finds a danceof fire and care~She, likeeverybody, knowsthat everyelegant...

DiscreetOfficeServices.Com Chapters 9–10

"Sometimes, it's all about how you earn success!"

The Present...I'm late...I'm late...I'm late...I'm so late! That thread kept repeating in my head over and over again as I waited for the elevator. I'd just left the office of my last client of the day. An appointment usually lasts for...

A Woman Too Far

"When something seems too good to be true, there's always a catch."

Green lasers pierced the club, sweeping and jumping, refracted from the thick dry ice, forming myriad swirling shapes and patterns to the relentless beat. The bass was suffocating, filling every square millimetre not occupied by hot, sweaty, happy, grinding bodies....

My Boy Nigel

"Nicki takes her new slave home"

This story follows on immediately from Auntie Mary Part 2 Nigel stood, soaking at the door to the garden. "Go get a towel from the kitchen and dry yourself off. Then get dressed." I said. Make sure you don't leave...

Hurricane Of Hot Liquid Wax

"Krystal explores the pain and pleasures of playing with candle wax."

Mention hurricanes and most people think devastating winds, never-ending rain and widespread flooding. Mention hurricane to me and I think candle wax. Yes, candle wax. It was my first real hurricane. I had experienced remnants of hurricanes growing up in...