Slut – Final Part

"Helen meets her match in a whore, a filthy dirty slut on a cold street corner, offers her soup and sex."

Helen, who’d broken into a full sweat and streamed with aguish fever, climbed out of bed and drew her curtain. There was a fine dusting of snow on the window-ledge, thick enough to settle, warm enough to thaw. She blinked...

Slut – Part Two

"Hypersexual slut Helen, reaches, pulls, squats, fucks n squirts exclusively for Lush!"

She simply had to tell someone. As soon she’d returned to her little flat she washed and prepared the rhubarb, tuned the central heating, changed into warm clothes, and thrown her soiled panties in the wicker creel. Feeling her old...

Slut – Part One

"Hypersexual slut Helen, reaches, pulls, squats, fucks n squirts exclusively for Lush!"

Helen hesitated, opened the lid, breathed, and there they were. Bright, tall, pink, strong, stalks. Her first forced rhubarb of the season. Reaching for it, she slid her hand along the firmest stalk till she felt the tender base, the...