The Couple That Spanked Before – Part 3: Now And Then

"A face from the past ignites Bertie's memory"

NOWThe aphorism that “you never forget your first” was one that had always bothered Bertie.For one, which ‘first’ was it referring to? His first crush would have been on a classmate in grade school, but which classmate or even which...


"Joey ends someplace he never expect to go."

I sat on the edge of the bed as Autumn ate the breakfast I’d brought, watching my beautiful wife. I couldn’t stop picturing her with him; they’re naked, and he’s holding her, telling her what he wants. Hayes is bi,...

Ravishing Raquel Raper

"Intoxicating and mysterious beauty finds the groom and corrupts him just hours before the ceremony."

The female spies that Raquel recently dispersed have located the target.  She scans the on-board screen for incoming information.  It’s reported to be sitting alone in an empty banquet room.  It is most likely frightened, anxious, and ohh soo vulnerable. ...

The Bosses

"Lori saves our careers."

Lori is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. She is twenty-six and I am twenty-eight. As you can tell by her picture, her crystal blue eyes will melt you if you stare into them too long. Her...

Vengeance Ch. 1: Rendezvous

"Everyone has their limits."

Twenty-one out of twenty, and I grin, sipping my cognac.I write down eighteen. Lisette needs guidance, not hubris. Her wilfulness works against her intelligence.Is this how I should spend Saturday evening? Through the tall windows, dusk deepens into night, and...

Eldritch Pact (Part 1 of 2)

"In order to save his life, Stavos must give a salacious, lustful demigoddess everything she demands."

Stavos spat angrily, blood and spittle splattering across the ground. His sword was coated with sickening, green ichor, even while his own blood flowed freely from the wounds he had recently received.His breathing was ragged and uneasy. He scanned the...