The Night Of Our Reunion

"After twenty-five years, Lorraine and I were to finally meet up again"

I was a little hesitant to go to my 25th school reunion, I knew that Lorraine would be there and she really had an impact on me in school. We did the usual things; making out in the gym, fucking...

Masturbating And Sex With Everyone

"With graduation upon us, Jack arranges a special masturbation session at the gym."

With university finally at an end, Jack had arranged a special masturbation session for the group. For one evening only, we would have exclusive use of the gym where he worked. As soon as we were inside, he locked the...


"High School outcast faces her crush at 15-year class reunion"

* Reparation (re-pə-rā-shən) n. : replenishment of a previously inflicted loss by the perpetrator to the victim through amendments, apology or giving satisfaction * The bells rang over the murmuring of people around her who took a collective sigh. The...