Dress Dummy Part 2

"Kyle's adventured continue"

Over the course of the following weeks, Tyler's love for this new mode of self-pleasure became stronger, and it made him bolder. At first, he waited until bedtime to indulge himself. Soon that wasn't enough, so now whenever the mood...

Couch Quickie

"When my wife wants attention she knows how to get it"

I was finishing up my second glass of Crown Royal (Special Harvest) and the second period of the game was just underway. Hockey playoffs are coming, and as a big fan, I watch a lot of games when I have...

Camera Shy: Shot for Shot

"Monica is lured into realizing her fantasy on camera."

Apparently, some tech bro who works for Pornhub really liked my story, Camera Shy, and somehow traced me to my real email address with a simple inquiry: Can I film a reenactment of Camera Shy? With you in the starring...

It was not a good year. It was sometime in March that the company I worked for since quitting school went belly up and I found myself unemployed at a time when jobs were scarce. I was forced to give...

Her Mom’s Heels

"GF gets BF to cum her mother's heels."

I just fixed the problem Carol had with her car; the generator was not delivering the current to charge the battery. Well, being her friend, I don't want to charge her for doing that. I have other ideas in mind,...

Dishonourable Members

"United by a special interest..."

Hilary was elected on a sympathy vote shortly after her late husband, the sitting MP, died in what newspapers reported as a heart attack, an explanation economical with the truth. In fact, he expired while lustily shafting an attractive escort...

Pussy Power

"She had got women all over the world discarding their panties"

Women all over the world watch what "It" girl and fashion model Jodie Adams is wearing. She always looks beautiful, sexy, and desirable in the latest, most exquisite dresses and footwear straight from the designer.But suddenly more interest is being...