Baby It’s Warm, Let’s Fuck Outside. (Surprise part 3)

"A chance reunion leads me to cheating on my husband in the park with the irresistible Tom."

It had been six months since I met Tom, and yet, he lingered in my mind like an unforgettable dream. Sometimes, when my husband thrust into me during our regular intimate moments, I close my eyes and see Tom’s face...

Long Weekend pt.3

"The pair venture out for food, but not without a challenge being issued..."

“Mm…hungry…” Jake yawned as they woke again. “For food, this time, as well as you.”Erica snuggled closer, “Me too. Should eat. But so cosy…”Jake laughed and lifted her off their chest, “I'll make it worth your while, I promise. All...

Can’t Focus On My Assignment With You There…

"Sofia needed help with her assignment, but with Mark around she is just too distracted."

Sofia brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face as she hurried across the quad, her ponytail swishing behind her. The early autumn breeze nipped at her cheeks. She clutched her books tighter to her chest, hoping she wasn't...

The Bus Journey: A Ride To Remember

"A secret thrill unfolds on a lonely bus ride."

It had been a long day filled with mundane tasks and unrelenting stress. I’d spent hours at work, buried under a mountain of paperwork, my mind racing with deadlines and obligations. As I finally clocked out, a sense of liberation...

A New Years Feast – The Starter

"Eating out his wife during the family dinner. What could possibly go wrong?"

The dining room buzzed with warmth and chatter as John crouched under the long oak table, the heavy linen tablecloth shielding him from view. Above, his wife Linda’s voice rang out clearly, calm and charming as ever. “Oh, John? He’s...

The Dreamcatcher- Part Two Of Three

"the breaks in the journey are not designed to allow extra time for sightseeing"

A few hours after collaborating with Neil to develop her story, Sarah began to formulate her next plan. The lack of a deadline for the load she was delivering offered her some opportunities, but an unusual sense of guilt also...

The Benefits Of Working From Home

"While working from home Katie finds herself distracted in the best possible way."

It’s 11 a.m., and I’m perched at the kitchen table in my usual “work-from-home” ensemble: jogging bottoms, a loose T-shirt that might as well be pyjamas, and an old coffee mug that’s a total necessity at this point. My laptop’s...