Not long after that, we returned to our girlfriends, and I noticed a middle-aged woman dressed in a black concoction sitting between Brenda and Paula. The three of them stopped talking as soon as I approached.“This is Hazel,” Brenda said....

The World Turns – Chris and Brianna 2.5

"The world changes. From now on, everyone has both genitalia. Chris and Brie each talk to friends about the change and experiment alone."

Chris closed his dorm room door behind him. He couldn’t get the thing with the crocheting girl out of his head. He felt like he needed to talk to someone about many things, this just being the last in a line...

A Hermaphrodite’s Shock & Pleasurable Sexual Awakening – Part One

"Claudia's right hand began to move up and down on her newfound hard dick imagining the gorgeous Natalie with huge tits before her and long blonde hair"

Claudia Simpson was a nineteen-year-old college student from Malibu, California. But she didn't reach puberty until she was eighteen. She's always wondered why her body stayed like a ten-year-old throughout her adolescence as her friends hit it and grew breasts...

The World Turns – Chris and Brianna 2

"The world changes. From now on, everyone has both genitalia. Chris and Brie each talk to friends about the change"

Brianna pushed open the door to her dorm room, the three shopping bags dangling from her wrist making a racket as they swung from the motion. She had gotten Chris four bras; they weren’t very good bras, mostly spandex that...

The World Turns – Clara and Oliver

"The world changes. From now on, everyone has both genitalia. Clara goes from straight to Bi. Oliver changes more than expected."

It happened on a Wednesday. First, information was gently inserted into everyone’s mind, information about what would soon occur.Going forward, people between approximately the ages of eighteen and twenty-five would undergo a sort of second puberty: they would develop into...

Flesh And Blood Eskimo Siblings

"Brother and sister share girlfriend...and each other."

Donny was a dummy.There was no other way Ivy could describe her brother. Well, no, “dumbass” and “dipshit” also came to mind, but she loved the oblivious bugger, so she would save her real insults when she was talking to...

The World Turns

"The world changes. From now on, everyone has both genitalia."

It happened on a Wednesday. First, information was gently inserted into everyone’s mind, information about what would soon occur.Going forward, people between approximately the ages of eighteen and twenty-five would undergo a sort of second puberty: they would develop into...