Helene of Troy
"In praise of Helen of Troy"
Helen of Troy Spartan Queen Hair of Spun Gold I will always love you Your sensual beauty will never grow old Skin the colour of warm honey Soft and velvet touch I cry for you Wish I had been able...
"In praise of Helen of Troy"
Helen of Troy Spartan Queen Hair of Spun Gold I will always love you Your sensual beauty will never grow old Skin the colour of warm honey Soft and velvet touch I cry for you Wish I had been able...
"Morning roleplay at the veterinary practice."
I rush into the surgery. Helen's singing along to the radio, she looks up and then looks at the wall clock with a frown."The first picture of you, the first picture of summer - Morning. You're late." "Morning, yeah sorry...
"The disappeared over the hill.. with my Duffel bag"
The Beauty of Buses.txt I had made a Commercial Bus trip to North Carolina to be with my Mother for a few days. What would’ve been a nine-hour drive became a thirty-four hour trip. Mother needed an immediate surgery for...
"A story about a couple that is less sexy and more romantic than anything."
The lounge music was slow and steady. A low murmur of talk filled the room. The gentle clink of glasses. My leg twitched nervously as I waited. Self-concious thoughts ran through my mind: How is my hair? Am I wearing...