Hubby's making lunch while I'm sunning outside, topless, chatting to my favourite couple from the Swinger site.“Ellie just sent me a picture of her husband teasing her nipples with an ice cube. Are you going to be a good boy...


"Abby and her team encounter more than they expect when the experiment finally yields results."

Nobody could have predicted what we unleashed when the portal ripped open. We were mere physicists. Nine to fivers in corporate lab coats. Four mortals driven by the human need to explore. Understand. Know.The trouble with knowing? It's impossible to...

The Customer Comes First

"Sometimes when I think I've seen it all in my job, suburbia throws a curveball."

Another address. Another slice of suburban life beyond the doorbell. Border hedges. F-Type parked in the sweeping driveway to the stone steps on which I'd placed the shopping crate.Shuffling from foot to foot, idly toeing stones from the path back...


"Unstoppable force meets immovable object..."

Stepping closer still. Invading your personal space. Standing there in front of you. No words. No touching. Just closeness. Feel me there. So uncomfortably near. That’s where I am.Your nerves not remotely unnerved; composure fiercely undisturbed.That stillness is my longing. Perpetual steadiness of my gyroscopical...


"It’s a different kind of moment..."

It is a record-breaking 37ºC. The windows are open and the shades are shut. All we can do is sit and bear it till the heat breaks. I lay on the floor taking in the small fan that’s working overtime. The...

In the cold Mid-winter

"When two lovers become one on a cold mid-winters day"

As lovers embrace on a cold winters eveWith subzero temperatures set to soarWhen the heat of passion sets a flameFrom within the bodily coreThat melts the snow flurries Before they touch the groundWith the heat of lovers passionSends mercury levels through...

Set fire to the Passion

"We make love in heated passion"

Showered by your soft kisses,On my chestAgainst my bare skin,Like a soft perpetual rain.The touch of your hand,To my stomachSends an electrical pulse,Straight through to my spine.My heart skips a beat,Like an apocalyptic eventAs if Andromeda and Milky-way galaxies collide,And...