The Cane Is Given

"The head girl and a student who was given a double detention attend the headmistress' study"

Olivia, nineteen, and the head girl at the sixth form college, and Chloe, seventeen, from the first year at the college, both walked into the secretary's office. College had finished for the day except for those in detention so both...

The Governor’s Meeting – Chapter 3 – The Head Girl

"The Head Girl exploits school governor Sarah’s desire for punishment and humiliation."

As we walked away from the Gym, and towards the Head Girl’s office on the other side of the school, my mind was in turmoil. The things I’d experienced that afternoon had evoked such conflicting feelings and emotions in me....

A Teenage Tale Of Love And Spanking, Part 4 – All’s Well That End’s Well

"Kate's mum comes home and gives a spanking to remember!"

‘Hi, Kate! I’m home!’‘Oh, no. Mum’s home! Quick – get dressed!’Kate and I quickly separated, and hurriedly put our underwear back on, and tidied our school uniforms. Then we heard her mother calling again. This time sounding very cross.‘Kate! Kate!...

A Teenage Tale Of Love And Spanking, Part 2 – Questions and More Questions

"A very annoyed Kate has some awkward questions for Judy."

Later that day, I emerged from the detention classroom after a tedious hour of writing lines, to find Kate leaning against the wall in the hallway, school bag clasped to her chest.‘Oh – hi, Kate.’I had no idea why she...