Just Once – Final

"Mistakes made, pain realized, love prevails and stupidity rewarded."

I couldn’t sleep.Elaine worried me. She has been able to tell me about her doctor sessions with conviction. She had listened to my statements about how her cheating with Mathew had hurt me, leaving me wondering how this woman, my...

I smiled,as I leaned on my elbowgazing at her while she slept.I smiled,as I watched her breast movingwith a serenity of sleep so fair.I smiled,as the first rays of the sunon her angelic face shone.I smiled,as her turn bared a...

Hot cum drips from HerAs she stands, silentlyGazing down at the anonymous puddleOf wilted, weakened fleshAt Her feetUpon artificiallySeductiveSpikesNearing stilthoodShe speaks sinister, poisonous words to him,Positioning quite delicatelyHer heels 'twixt his dainty fingersPrepared to strike, more than deadlyInfinitesimal shifts in...

Love is My Strength

"Love isn't weakness."

Loving you I found weakness of the heart,and my only weaknesswas loving you.  I didn't give my heart.That will always be mine.I gave you my love. If you think I'm sadthat you're gone,you're clearly wrong. My heart remains happyand filled with love. My heart will always be minefor someone else to...

Why Me

"Why me God"

Why God, on this special day,why did you take my only love away. Our hearts were free and so full of love.Why did you takemy pure love from me? It was love for all eternity,forever and meant to be. My love for her in my heart,I will forever...

Goodbye … I Wish You Well

"Love, even though …"

Our heady daysof sex surpriseset us ablazebetween our thighsand masked the fearthat nothing moremade us adhereat thirty-four.The sweaty heatof burning lustmade Hope's conceitincongruous.Your desperate grasp,my frenzied kiss,our unveiled gasp,left us remiss.The Future gavethis to impart:"Though you've been brave,you’re best apart."Razed...

Love In Kansa

"You are my world"

Kansa flowerBlooming in the sunWisps of puffy cloudsDancing in July skiesSong birds singing Stopping at our streamOpening my saddle bagsWeathered smileFinding your giftFlower and Love note Calloused handsSlowly readingSavoring each wordSmiling to yourselfFeeling her love As you crestThe last hillSmoke curling skywardReminding youYou...

River of Blood

"My heart flowed."

Like a river of blood,My heart flowed. It gave you happiness. You gave me love, It never demanded,but always gave,its river of love. Wanting to be free. Being true to our love. I gave my heart to you,My heart pumped,Its river of blood,and gave its love. Being true...

Broken Angel.

"your damaged Angel"

When you were down,and despaired at heart,God sent me to you.   A flawed angel. An angel broken,fallen from heaven,battered and weak. A perfect angel, gives her life,that I have not.I've walked through hell. This flawed angel,  With her damaged wings,and a sultry heart. Needed your love,from the very start.  A perfect angel,  Can fly and...