Good For Nothing

"A young woman makes questionable decisions for her greater good"

Michelle plonked into the passenger seat and slammed the car door.“Well, excuse the fuck outta me,” the driver said.Michelle folded her arms and stared ahead, puffing through her nostrils like an angry bull.“Hellooo. Earth to Michelle?” The driver waved his...

Joan And Her Husband Become Even Closer Too The New Neighbors -Part Two

"The Morning After The House Warming Brings Heated Passion Into The Bedroom."

Joan woke up with the sun streaming through the bedroom window. Both the neighbors and her husband were all sleeping naked, in one soiled bed. Joan thought to herself, what have we done?Joan was lying on her back naked between...


"One thing leads to another."

And then I sense your wandering eyes,Those roiling mists on darkening skies.And soft, pulsed beckons of your lips,Entreat across my naked hips.And kiss along my sleeping cock,To tease it into interlock.And your muff’s tickle on my pride,Succumbs to your rich,...