The Gypsy

"After meeting at a coffee house, Amelia invites Grant over for dinner"

Like clockwork, I walked into my neighborhood Coffee Lounge at 7:45 am. There was the usual cast of characters who were there every weekday when I arrived: Bob the fifty-ish IBM guy, Julie the late twenties sorority girl insurance claims...

Romance on the Railway

"Come follow the tracks to my heart"

Each night beneath the kindly moon’s soft radianceWe make again that joyful connection of loveVulnerable in our emotional nakednessAs we bare the most profound feelings of our heartsAll too soon the hour of parting is upon usCatching us unaware in our...

Drifter Ch.1

"A stranger brings unexpected feelings"

Kali woke to the sound of movement from downstairs. Rolling over she checked the time, squinting her eyes at the bright screen of her phone. 3:24.Frowning, she pushed herself into a sitting position and listened again. The house should be...

Gypsy girl, Flirting with danger. Shy man, needing touch... Midnight moon, pussy wet, Clenching for a cock to ride... You, bulging so much That I can see your veins pulsing for my desire, My fuckjuice. It took one look Fucking...

The Country Fair

"He wore boots up to his knees, his pants were black and fit like a second skin."

Every year there is the country fair held in August, not far from where I live. It was very popular and I had been going to it for the last few years. There was always a lot to do and...