This Is Yoga?

"Tim begins is first Yoga class"

Tim was a creature of habit, his life meticulously organized into neat little blocks of time. But today, as he approached the gym, a sense of the unknown crept into his step. It was his first day of yoga, a...

About That Gym Membership

"A young woman gets more than she signed up for."

As I sorted through the mail, I noticed a postcard from the Main Street Gym. I had joined it before the holidays but had forgotten all about it. I'm not a big workout person. In fact, I never work out....

Josie The Gym Cleaner

"An early morning surprise at the gym"

At two a.m. on Saturday morning, on my way home from work, I dropped into my gym for a workout before going home.At this time of day, I am usually the only person in the unmanned gym; the staff do...

Masturbating And Sex With Everyone

"With graduation upon us, Jack arranges a special masturbation session at the gym."

With university finally at an end, Jack had arranged a special masturbation session for the group. For one evening only, we would have exclusive use of the gym where he worked. As soon as we were inside, he locked the...

Sweat Box

"She was twice his age, it made him want her twice as much!"

“Good afternoon, Mrs Winger.” Ben looks round to see an attractive lady in her mid-forties rush through the gym reception. Her body is toned in tight lycra. Blue leather flip-flops slap against her feet as she comes past.“Running late, Carol,” she...

Analogy Rehab

"On the highway of life, some people know where they are going, and some are just along for the rife."

Maybe life is like pushing a dead car over a hill. It takes a lot of effort to get there, but eventually you get over the crest, and you can relax and enjoy the ride down the other side. That...