The Greater New Chestnut Erotic Fiction Writers Society

"Things get a little wild at the erotic writers meeting."

"Now, you will get under the table and one by one... you have to rub our panties.”I had been punished by Anna Trusseau. Laughingly, I played along and took my shirt off. I threw it across the room like a...

A Wet Weekend

"bringing their friend out of her shell requires some lateral thinking"

The plan to walk home seemed more ill-advised by the second. The drizzle had turned to steady rain, and then Alan found himself caught in a downpour.Alan decided to take refuge in a bar. He wasn't familiar with it, although...

The Dreamcatcher- Part Two Of Three

"the breaks in the journey are not designed to allow extra time for sightseeing"

A few hours after collaborating with Neil to develop her story, Sarah began to formulate her next plan. The lack of a deadline for the load she was delivering offered her some opportunities, but an unusual sense of guilt also...