Always Faithful – Chapter Twenty-One

"Laura drifting toward Greg, just a date night for Dan"

Chapter Twenty-One - Laura Drifting Away The Senior Partner’s secretaries had their luncheon the last Friday of every month. All held the same title as Laura, Executive Assistant. Old Jacobs’ secretary extended the invitation. Laura knew the women could be...

Always Faithful – Chapter Nineteen

"Laura compares her men and husband comes in second."

Chapter Nineteen - Laura at Business Lady Winter days can be beautiful, sunny and crisp with little wind. Winter days can be miserable, gloomy, rainy and cold. Dan and Laura hoped for the former when they made plans to have...

Always Faithful – Chapter Seventeen

"New partnerships as holiday dates, same results."

Chapter Seventeen - Holidays The compressed schedule in autumn always included family responsibilities. Each year Dan and Laura flew home to spend Thanksgiving dinner with one family, and the Saturday following with the other. Thanksgiving with parents and relatives allowed...

Always Faithful – Chapter Thirteen

"Laura greets Greg from vacation and move in again, Dan turns to his artist friends."

Laura looked from the baggage claim area to the escalator where Greg would appear. She had been waiting twenty minutes and everything about her was racing in anticipation. Unbidden, her feet shuffled, dancing. Laura’s eyes searched to capture a first...

Always Faithful – Chapter Eleven

"Laura and Greg have their country club date; Dan and his artist friend meet"

Chapter Eleven - Greg and Laura at the Country Club Dan learned about his wife’s date Saturday evening. As Greg suggested, he reacted negatively and with surprise. Laura didn’t expect the vehemence of her husband’s reaction. In her mind, she...

Always Faithful – Chapter Nine

"Laura moves in with Greg for a period of time and Dan reacts by taking her rings.."

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © Chapter Nine - Laura Changes Life At home during the week, life was just as rosy. Dan got his welcome home kiss every night with the same full passion he had become accustomed to these...