The Offering Of A Reborn Bastard

"A gay couple encounter a milestone in their relationship."

The air had a liminal edge to it, like the smell of petrichor, or the bite of a crisp wind heralding a new season. The urgency of night slowly fading with the impending sunrise was like the ticking of an...

Howl Of The Full Moon – Part 3

"Wolfie's strong arms held me tightly to his chest, as I sobbed and his dick grew beneath me."

All day, I had the feeling that someone undead was following me, but I thought I was just being paranoid, because of what had happened when I first met Wolfie. Just thinking about him made me smile and made my...

Easing his pain

"Emily takes a shortcut on her way home and finds something she didn't expect"

Dark, scary graveyard or safe, well lit road? Which route to take home seemed like a clear cut choice but the shortcut through the grave yard was so much quicker. Oh screw it! What could possibly go wrong? I pushed...