Fixing Jacob Part 5

"Claire evaluates her grandson’s progress."

When school was over Jake headed to his grandmother's house under the belief that she needed help with new furniture. Whenever he visited he always ended up staying for dinner. And then they would usually hang out and she would...

Oh, Nan!

"A 22-year-old male is caught masturbating, so his grandmother canes him."

“Mum! Is that you? I can’t chat for long. This phonebox smells like a public toilet and I think I’ll be sick if I stay here long. I’m not used to these decimal coins either. Blasted things! Anyway, how are...

Jack and His Nan, Ch 4

"Jack and his grandmother finally get together"

Jack tried to keep his mind off Nan and off the thrill of his upcoming visit. But his aroused state and his hard cock made that difficult. She had asked him not to masturbate tonight. He didn’t know why. But...