The Vampire’s Servant

"Two dark vampires try to save their servant girl's poisoned body which turns into an erotic experience."

Leon and Tarrik lived as vampires for 500 years but had never seen someone affected by Harlin's poison like Alara. Her body was turning pale and her breathing was turning shallow. Alara was their servant and had been with them...


"Like blood, they stained the white sheets"

The balloon. Bearing the message, “Happy Valentine’s Day," it bobbed in the breeze created by the slightly open front door. It was helpless, a victim to any passing waft of air, but tethered down by its plastic cord to a...

The Empire of Dreams

"A whole world of delight awaits us in our dreams."

Dwelling in that realm of brilliant light,Embedded in the hidden heart of night,Unspeaking and heedless, yet knowing all,I see you sometimes when in sleep I fallGently into the chasm of my dreams;Suffused throughout with gently dancing beams,Born of the stars,...

 That night when first I saw your face,Your black-sheathed beauty held my eye;You sought the fire, the winds to chase,You revelled in the storm vexed sky. That night I heard the rolling thunder,I heard the storm Gods call my nameAs lightning...

Mirella’s Art

"Beauty and passion go hand in hand. Nowhere more so than in Mirella's art."

In vain I search for words enoughTo praise what I have seen;Your monuments of line and toneStanding grandly in betweenA past resonant with gloriesAnd a future yours to formFrom the tempest of your passions;Your art's life giving storm.As locks of...

Some Questions of History

"A sonnet in adoration..."

If ancient bards had sung your praise,Would Trojan Helen be divine?Had Shakespeare put you in his plays,Would his fair Juliet so shine?If history had known your name,What queen, what empress would not pale,By you outshone in face and fame,What haughty...

The Spider King

"Mount Para Productions Proudly Presents.."

MARIA I Maria Laney waved her hand as the cab that devoured her friends sped off with a screech. The red tail lights streaked, much thanks to the alcohol in her blood, and grew dimmer and dimmer. She had insisted...