She stole onto my page When I wasn’t watching Roaming her seaExploring her heart Seeking life in abundance Her radiance, captivating.She straddled me As I sat on my chair Her hips gripping and squeezingHer body pressing into me Her fingers tracing Over my lips.She eased my head back With her fingers...

Will you miss me when I'm gone? I keep waiting here, Patiently, For you to come to me But no matter how long I wait, No matter how many times I cry, You won't come. Will you notice? Please turn...

Can my love be gone

"Has my love gone away"

Can this really be happening Can my love be gone  Is this a dream  A nightmare just a misunderstanding Can my love me gone I sign on to see what you posted  I don't see you on my list  I...

Just goes to show you when you’re motivated by lust; Your brain is the only body part that you can trust. All of the rest has gone haywire;Just raging hormones filled with desire.Logic is all that you can depend on;Especially...

You said, abandonment, there was no chance.No chance of you leaving me,Said our souls had been bound since we were infants.But now I look around, and you're the one I don't see.I want to erase youFrom every part of me,Every...

I don’t want to need him but I don’t know how to stop.I’ve fallen for a delusion, a man that was so hot. A dream that was never all the things I wanted him to be.Though he was always consistently...