Performing on Command

"She only pees when I tell her she can, no matter how desperate she is"

“You mean to say she only pees when you tell her she can?” I nodded, taking a sip from my drink, ignoring the jealous glances from those around me. “What if she’s desperate?” “Watch. Grace, come over here.” We watched...

Strictly Wetting

"A dancer on a live TV dance off, desperate to pee but due to perform now!"

Emma froze, immobile on the dance floor as her worst fear came true. The silence was total. The audience, just a few seconds before cheering and clapping were as still as statues. None of them could believe what they were...

Sunset Highways – Encounter I

"Our protagonist is expertly and luridly manipulated by a lady of experience."

SUNSET HIGHWAYS   Encounter I If this works for you, please leave a comment as I just damn well love reading them! I walked towards the little prefabricated, single storey dwelling encircled by bay trees at the far end of the...

The other side of him

"A fantasy piece about a surprise golden shower"

It was just another day, I walked through the door soaking wet from yet another beautiful British April shower in a bad mood from a terrible day at work. I took my clothes off as soon as I walked through...

Bath And A Shower

"Another True Story Recounted For My Wife"

It was a cold December day, we had set out to do some Christmas shopping on the other side of the Bay. By the time we finished going to all the places we normally frequent, it was getting late and...