Joan Attends Her Thirtieth Class Reunion-Part Two

"Joan Feels Erotic Lust Building Inside Her, At The Table, On The Dance Floor, And In Her Pussy."

It was a warm evening with romantic music and dancing, Good food, and lots of alcohol. The guests were filled with erotic lust from the afternoon events, which were still fresh in everyone's minds.Joan sat at a table sipping her...

Joan Attends Her Thirtieth Class Reunion, Dressed To Impress. Part One

"Joan Becomes The Center Of lust Filled Attention."

Joan received her invitation to her high school's thirtieth-class reunion. She decided to go despite not attending any previous reunions. The reunion would be held at one of the class members' large estates inside the home and out on the...

My Friend Jenny Bought My Pussy

"Katie has a sleepover with her friend Jenny, so Jenny's Daddy, Mr. Thomas, can pay for and use Katie's pussy."

Mr. Smith made his plans to set up more parties for me. I felt sure they would be very popular and very lucrative.Meanwhile, I had been very intrigued by Mr. Thomas's invitation (or maybe it was more like he placed...

My Night With A Goddess – My First Transexual Experience – Part 2

"I wait for her to return, but I'm worried she never will. I shouldn't have let her go. A simple glance from her angelic face ignited a spark inside of me. I won't make the same mistake"

As I stand outside my apartment, I find myself looking up at the neighboring condominium. It towers above me like a castle from a fairytale, with a damsel trapped inside awaiting her valorous saviour. Can I be that saviour?The top...

My Night With A Goddess – My First Transexual Experience

"I wait for her to return, but I'm worried she never will. I shouldn't have let her go. A simple glance from her angelic face ignited a spark inside of me. I won't make the same mistake."

Every fiber in my body tells me I should just give up and go home. She’s not going to show up.My freshly polished dark nails anxiously dance on the skin of my thighs, peeking out from under my skirt, as...