The Felicity Chronicles — Chapter 7: Like Daughter Like Mother

"Martin spends the night in Sylvia’s bed—with Sylvia’s mother."

Sunday, June 16, 1974.Dawn’s early light filtering through the curtains revealed my surroundings as I woke from deep sleep. Sylvia’s bedroom. Sylvia’s bed.Not new information, but it hadn't really hit me until that moment. The room had been dark. I...

The Felicity Chronicles — Chapter 6: Love’s Prick

"Martin has a private tutorial with Sylvia’s mother."

Tuesday, June 11-Saturday, June 15, 1974.“The Joy of Sex,” I said, reading the title of my new textbook.“It’s quite basic,” said Felicity, “just a popular bestseller. But we might as well start at the very beginning.”“A very good place to...

Mani Pedi (3)

"John's expectations are exceeded..."

To say I was keyed up as I stood on Mrs. Huggins’ porch, preparing to ring the doorbell, is quite an understatement. I had been in a constant state of sexual arousal for the last twenty four hours or so,...