Our Sexual Adventure, Part Four – “An Accidental Swap”

"“A married couple who found the road to fulfilment. This series is our sexual adventure, all involve Carol, most involve Bob.""

In the third part of our adventure "The End Of Season Party," Carol's wild behaviour included stripping and dancing naked in front of a large audience, getting spanked with a paddle, and being thoroughly fucked by Bob.Three weeks later, we...

The Pet: Part 7 – The New Girl

"For the first time, Leslie is the "elder" Pet as a new girl and owner visit to learn from her and Jacob"

Leslie spent the next several days looking forward to her next job, which was confirmed early in the week. Leslie received a rare call from Andrea at FemPet informing her that a new pet had been hired and her first...

Camp Trinity (Part I)

"Delilah decides Christian summer camp may not be too bad this year..."

It’s pathetic, really, that my parents still control me at eighteen years old. Instead of partying with my friends the summer before freshman year of college, I’m stuck in a bus packed full of thirteen to nineteen year old Bible...

Bosom Buddies

"Best friends Rowyn and Charity share more than just secrets."

Bosom buddies. That was what my mom always called me and Charity. While the term usually made me and my best friend snicker, I couldn't help but think of it now, when the two of us stood facing each other...

Joan Attends Her Thirtieth Class Reunion, Dressed To Impress. Part One

"Joan Becomes The Center Of lust Filled Attention."

Joan received her invitation to her high school's thirtieth-class reunion. She decided to go despite not attending any previous reunions. The reunion would be held at one of the class members' large estates inside the home and out on the...

The Pet: Part 2 – The First Job

"Leslie gets a second interview, then gets assigned her trial assignment as a new "pet""

Leslie nervously waited for word from the agency about whether she would have a second interview. She thought she did okay during her first interview but she also wasn't sure what the agency was looking for. She was ready to...

The Medallion of Lilith

"A well-liked professor has been murdered. Angel has been sent in to solve the case."

Angel Green sighed as she stepped into the living room of Stuart Browning, the local art professor who had been murdered the night before, and discovered when he didn’t show up for work. Her piercing blue eyes made a quick...

Surprise At The Sleepever

"Riley and her friends catch her brother during a sleepover and take advantage"

“How are you still a virgin?” asked a girl sitting on a beanbag in the corner of the light-pink-walled bedroom. She was Hispanic with tan skin, brown hair that was about shoulder length and quite wavy, and brown eyes. She...

New Beginnings – Phil The Bill – Pt. 4

"Tracy and Maddy develop another sexy scheme to unleash on Phil at the park"

Phil ended the unexpected call with Tracy, both surprised and excited. Surprised because she’d taken the initiative to call him to set up some weekend fun and excited because that fun entailed her spanking him at the park.It was only...