A Simple Gift

"A trip to the graveyard gives Annie more than she bargained for."

Annie Daniels sighed softly and paused at the large steel-and-stone gate, then accelerated to glide up the hill. Tall statues of cement cast spooky shadows on the ground, and she shivered as she killed the engine and stepped out into...

A Soldier’s Love

"A deployed soldier finally expresses his passion."

First Lieutenant James Brewer shivered in his winterfatigues, but his brown eyes shined excitedly as he finished filling out the form on his web browser window. Several weeks before he had mailed off the small personal mementos and hand-written notes...

Polo and Whiskey

"His fingers knew exactly how to touch me and my body responded perfectly to him."

October 31st , otherwise known as Halloween. The one day out of the year you can be whoever or whatever you want to be, I want to be anyone but me. My name is Mari. I'm twenty-four years old and...

The sexual psychic

"The beginning of the story of how I learned I could see ghosts."

Hello. My name is Ava. I know, not a very creative name. Blame my mother. She said she wanted me to have a plain name in the hope that I would avoid the family "curse." Turns out, even with my...

Sally the Ghost Kisses Emelda

"Sally gets Emelda to try out being a sex ghost and things don't go quite as planned"

Simon's breathing started to get deeper and louder as he neared orgasm. He stroked his erection faster. A buzzing sound filled the room punctuated by a squealing female voice. Emelda took her wide eyes off his groin and glanced across...

Goddess Beauty

"Vivian saddled on top of my bare chest and began kissing me softly moving down to my erected dick"

I stepped out of the car and stared with a look of 'what the hell' on my face as Dad had stopped our four wheel RV into the drive way of our summer house over looking the sea. And a...

An inopportune presence – Part 1

"Christine gets a new start: new house, new sex life, new... ghost?"

It was a grey, mid-November day when Christine moved to her new house, in a small New England village. She moved to get away from her old life, and more specifically a cheating ex-boyfriend and a shitty job. She didn’t...

For my sixteenth birthday, my parents took me to Alaska. I had always wanted to go to Alaska, don’t ask me why. So when I found out I was going to get to spend a whole week there I was...