My aching back led to an aching butt

"There's nothing like a hot shower after a hard day's hiking"

My trip through the mountains was strenuous - Every foot I climbed up and down the slopes began to wear me down. Finally I rounded the bend and came upon a small hotel. The hotel had been there at least...

Fantasy Cum True, MMmMM

"What the wife doesn't know about"

If you ever met me, even after you got to know me well, you would never believe for a moment that I would be involved in the story I’m about to tell let alone would you believe for a moment...

I end up on top. (GAY)

"Online twink hookup"

I met J online. Right from the get go we hit it off. We met in a coffee shop to get acquainted and hit it off right from the get go. I think I shocked J at first by following...