Here's to new beginnings.Here's to the newness of the sunrise,To the dawn of a new day. The sun risesAs the rays beam throughThe cracks of the blinds.Every ray strategically placedUpon your skinAs you toss and turn in slumber.As I witness the...
gay love
The Wrong Twin, Part Three
"Excerpted from the diary of Francesca Hall"
Dear Diary; Well, it’s been quite a month so far! Of course my big news is that my new boyfriend, Teddie, finally reacted to literally months of me flirting with him, and we finally “did it” last week at the...
The Wrong Twin
"Willy was my first...."
The Halls moved into my neighborhood when I was entering my senior year in high school. Typical Midwestern town, typlcal high school, and I had the typical Catholic upbringing, which meant I was still a frustrated virgin. I had spent...
You could say this is part two of my first story but can be read as a story of its own. Like I said, a lot of straight guys from my section of Brooklyn don't have any problems with having...