MY birthday gift!

"My education in the ways of BDSM continues!"

After my gift to my husband opened my eyes to new and exciting pleasures, we tried many things. Bondage, roleplaying, costumes, and tried any position we could think of. It was a most wonderful experience for me, but then my...

My Vanilla Mistress

"Her first time in control"

Switch   Cindy and I had first met on the internet and had chatted for some time.   Finally the topic changed to sex and eventually to bondage.   Over the years, I had some experience with binding my dates...

Helen Part 1

"Helen seduces and introduces barely legal, reluctant girl to anal sex with the help of her boyfriend"

As I had JUST turned 18, my high school career was over and I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do, I took a year off to party. I was young, innocent and full of life.   I took off...

So it was happening after all, I was moving down to London. LONDON! Home of the posh and the disgusting and the posh-and-disgusting. Sad and half-dead bums asking for money from people who had too much of it. And, of...

His Birthday Gift

"His gift triggers my innermost desires!"

I lay on the bed, completely nude save for an ankle bracelet. I wait for my husband as tonight I am his, body and soul. It is his birthday, and all of my usual no's are now yes's. We have...


"Barry submits to his destiny - to be controlled by females."

Now that Barry had been completely and deeply humiliated, we felt that female superiority had been firmly established.  I had witnessed his decline - from cute boyfriend to total cock-gobbling slut.  The problem was that I really was entertained by...