The weight of my handMy gripAre both steady and trueReady for the taskBut my focusIs you I watch your skin  TightenLike silkInviting touchIt waits I waitI listen  Quietly and intently  For your breath to issue ordersFor your body to begin...

Packing for the weekend

"Essentials only; gag, collar or cuffs?"

I am packing for our weekend together, and having difficulty deciding how much of our toybox to take. It's a short weekend break, I'm travelling light and I simply haven't got that much space after putting all the clothes, shoes...

Part 1: Succumb

"Cassidy begins to give in the desires she's always had..."

“Are you done yet?” Adam shifted impatiently in bed while Cassidy remained behind the closed bathroom door. He was feeling pretty antsy and very horny. What the hell was she doing in there? “One second!” she yelled back. It was...

Shackled Part 2

"My turn in the shackles"

Now it was my turn. I strapped myself into the cuffs and waited for him. I looked down at myself, my black lace panties with matching black corset, I would pay for being clothed but I wanted to. The cuffs were...

Bella Gets Painted, Part 2

"Please read Pt 1 to see where we started. More erotic build up until pt 3."

Bella gasped, her body tightening immediately against the ties and cuffs that held her open. Her hips squirmed as Cean laid a hand between her breasts, and she stilled at his words. “My love, there’s nothing to be frightened of....

Objet d’Art

"Nora spends a unique evening at a cocktail party"

Nora stood in the living room, nude with her hands behind her back. In front of her on the floor was a large wooden box, about six feet long and three feet wide. She knew what it was, and she...

She’s late

"She arrives late... and he doesn't like that too much."

The crisp, winter air bit into her exposed thighs as she stood at his doorstep. She stopped, nerves rising from her stomach, and took a moment to straighten herself, pulling her crisp white stockings up, straightening her black pleated skirt...