The End In

"As a thunderstorm lightens the atmosphere, the student visits the headmistress in her chambers."

The following afternoon, I can’t concentrate on the class I’m supposed to be giving. Jordan sits in the middle row. The lecture still interests him, but his eyes lose focus every once in a while as he switches positions. He’s...

When Helen Met Frank

"He's very big. She's very small. But determined."

Frank heard the noises as soon as the apartment door opened. He kind of sighed and rolled his eyes. He picked the groceries back up, got through the door and bumped it closed. As he put the groceries away, he...

The Vampire’s Lover

"A vampire starts to explore submission"

Vampires. They're the lords of the night, the stalkers of the living. Each one was an irresistible pale beauty with powers far greater than any creature who lurked in the darkness. With one simple gaze they can trap you in...

Orderly Tales

"An orderly checks on a very interesting mental patient..."

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock...