"Fun with ma sis"

Kissovak was spending a few days with his old high school buddy, Chris, and his sister, Olivia. Kissovak hadn't seen Chris in years, and when he found that he would be in his town on business, he had called to...

I Lost My Penis

"Just a bit of whimsy on a dull day. My mind is wandering again."

I lost my penis. I don’t know where it is. I held it in my hand, When I took my morning whiz.My ardent lover Had it in her mouth Just before We moved it south. I pushed and pulled And...

T is for Tickle Teasing

"ticklish subject this ealy foreplay"

Girls who say they like to tickle Barefoot boys can be so fickle. For first they stimulate boys' toes, But after that, it's anything goes. Usually, the very first things to go Are his shirt and pants, you know. Then...

Three Sexy Haiku

"Mini Japanese-style poems in 3 lines with 5, 7, and 5 syllables."

7/4 PICNIC POPS Lovers on blankets,fire art above, Tchaikov-sky all around. Wow! SHOWER PLAY Laughing together,all suds and skin and teasing.Sexy playfulness. UNABASHED JOINING  Naked innocence: touching, soothing, exciting,coming together.

Higuys this is the story about what happens after the movies. It’s the second part of the story with one more to follow, tell me what you think. We slowly made our way out to the car, from inside the...

Tia and daddy

"Tia and daddy enjoy themselves"

Tia and daddy One night not to long after my 16th birthday I was laying in bed, one of my hand were rubbing at my clit getting me all wet with my juices flowing the other playing with my boobs, pinching...