New Girl At Club Naw-Tee Ch. 2

""Candy" dances again, and then discusses what $9,643 will buy."

“Mitzi” hobbled off the stage, no richer than when she’d walked onto it. I knew she made most of her wad giving incredibly overpriced handies in VIP; her technique wasn’t bad. I preferred her oral.With Jennifer out of view, Lizard...

New Girl At Club Naw-Tee Ch. 1

"Sir discovers a newbie stripper unlike all the other girls he's hooked on coke."

It was just past eleven as I dismounted my motorcycle and walked up to the front door of “San Garibaldi’s Own” Club Naw-Tee. Judging by the cars in the parking lot, I guessed the joint was only moderately busy; I...

Former Teacher PT3

"Now the Assistant Principal does it with new teacher, a former student of hers."

For her, it was a dream come true. A former student had become a teacher. It wasn’t his first day teaching for the guy was 30 years old however to her academically speaking an intelligent former student had pursued education,...

Former Teacher PT2

"Former teacher and tutor also has sex with student"

He was almost jubilant as he drove away. As he drove away all he saw was her boobs… her gloriously bigger then life round boobs. They were gorgeous and he screamed that word out as if to tell the world...

Gran’s story

"Staying with Gran......."

Gran's Story                Staying with Gran   This is a new genre for me -- so let me know how you feel about it and if I should continue. Don't forget to vote and comment -- that is the only way...