
"A hot day in the office becomes a hot day at home"

The meeting had gone on far too long, and still, they were getting no further. Gillian was, by now, fed up as she had no input into this meeting and frustrated by the indecision to move it forward. She had...

“You need a warm, blood-filled, lengthening cock in you – not some cold, lifeless dildo,” he says.I walk away, soul-searching what I really need. Later that night…Reassuring eyes unlock my caged heart. Whispered words penetrate my guarded mind. Ravenous mouth and tongue melt my...

Brad, The Underwhelmingly Inept Ghost

"Her place is haunted... by a self-conscious spirit."

“Fuck, I should have known better,” Ella muttered under her breath, reaching for the bag of breakfast cereals, “than to—Argh!—let a ghost have his way with me.” She slammed the door of the cupboard with determined frustration. “And a desperate...

Another Night

"The pleasure of being alone and excited."

Alone again in a peaceful place, but not alone at all.The sensual feeling of a night at home, as the fading daylight falls.The fantasy world within my head makes the rising feeling grow.A consolidation of all the needs instills a...

Meeting Connie Pt 2

"Connie takes Tony further than he'd dared hope"

Sunday morning was here. And the world was bright and sunlit. Connie Summers was there, in her little car, as promised. Yesterday she had taken my virginity, before offering more. My self-confidence was still not very high. Trying to control...

The white Queen stands at my sideThe game is yet to beginResplendent dressed in white Standing tall On her precious square of white.Me, I stand beside her in her shadowWatching her as she surveys her worldReady for battle Ready to claim her prize Looks...

It was destiny that called That day when we metNoticed because of her words Noticed because of something moreNoticed because something was missing That only she could fulfill It was destiny that called That day in her bed Noticed because of her smileNoticed because of her...

When beauty adorns the morning sky And joy is rich as  sweet alloyNot just the nowAs within the sheets she laysIn quiet sweet surrender Her body stilled Replete and filled What joy as she released her muskThat did build again since dusk My heart aglow The...