Jamaica Vacation For You-Chapter 5

"Searching For Another Sexual First, Fulfilling Joan's Fantasies"

Joan and I woke up after holding each other close all night. Her fucked body has filled the room with the aroma of hot naughty sex. James made love to Joan like she was his own, yesterday. Every hole on...

The Shooting

"Timmy, the hard luck orphan, gets his break"

Summer 1946.It was another hot day. Timmy’s tie was still in his pocket, and his dress shirt was untucked and unbuttoned, with the sleeves rolled up. His bare chest glistened with sweat. This neighborhood of East Los Angeles didn’t help....

Adventures in Open Marriage – Part 13, A Change of Seasons

"A hotwife accepts a challenge, to the pleasure of all the men in her life"

Now that my wife had entered the punishment phase of her adulterous behavior, we both knew that much fun awaited. In reality, it wasn’t so much punishment for her fling with JT, but more a series of increasingly debauched challenges...

Adventures in Open Marriage – Part 10, Learning to Watch and Loving It

"Two men, one woman, a sexy Halloween costume, and a cheap motel - what could go wrong?"

My wife's name is Anne, one of the things I haven't yet mentioned in this series. There is no reason I never included it up until this point, but as I recapped the events with Jorge, I realized I hadn't...

Adventures in Open Marriage – Part 4, Happy New Year!

"Things get wild in a car, and get hotter and mysterious in an old hotel"

By late autumn, my wife's little sessions had become a fairly regular thing, with Pete, and then of course myself getting sloppy seconds (or thirds or fourths depending on Pete's stamina). However, as we approached Thanksgiving here in the states,...