Lady Penelope- MILF Of The Mansion 22

"Her Ladyship is a shoe in and later inducts new staff"

Not to sound sexist, but it might be said that the majority of women share a common weakness. That is a compulsive desire to buy shoes. Lots and lots of them. (Including my wife-author!)Lady Penelope Ward-Williamson was no different. And...

Mrs. Wintergreen’s Rule Of The Crop, Part Thirteen

"Marian visits with the CEO and his daughter"

"Ah, Marian. I'd like you to meet my daughter. This is Karen. She's going to be practicing her executive skills with the company for an indefinite period."Jeremy Bates had dropped by the office of Mrs. Wintergreen on a slow afternoon,...

Mrs. Wintergreen’s Rule Of The Crop, Part Six

"Mrs. Wintergreen enjoys some quality time at home"

Mrs. Marian Wintergreen tottered into the bedroom of her home in Ipswich in ridiculously high-heeled boots and shivered. Although the weather had been unseasonably warm, the tall female felt no warmth. This also may have been because apart from her...

Mrs. Wintergreen’s Rule Of The Crop, Part Five

"Boss lady turns the tables on her CEO"

Jeremy Bates stood straight-backed and imperious as he inhaled through flared nostrils and contemplated his lot. All of six-three, with baby blue eyes and well-groomed hair, he always had an air of faux superiority about him. Well, normally. But, here...