A Light On The Horizon – Part 2

"At the clinic in town, Celeste proves to be a very strange patient."

Luke sat in his office at the clinic, studying a patient's chart. His eyes were tired, and he longed to put his head down on the desk for just a few minutes, but he knew the mid-morning lull wouldn't last....

The Privilege Of Pleasing Her

"Fern meets a man who's eager to please with his tongue."

I lay in the darkness of my bedroom, waiting. It was almost midnight, and the quiet all around me seemed to faintly hum. Or maybe it was the throbbing of my own heartbeat that I heard.Just as Grady had requested,...

Wicked Weekend Part 2 — A Liaison Years In The Making Finally Erupts

"Old Friends Create a New Chapter in Long-Running Intimacy"

I woke on Saturday morning to the smell of coffee and my wife in a t-shirt and panties watching me. We exchanged a hot "Good morning, sexy," kiss, I got a cup of coffee and took a quick shower. I...

Private Time (Part 2 of 2)

"Logan and Wren move on from self-pleasure to sharing it with each other."

If I hadn't been so unbelievably hard and horny, I might have hesitated before joining Wren in my bed. But my need to come overrode all other thoughts. I hurried toward my friend, who was still flushed. Standing at the...

Cold Hands, Warm Pussy

"On Christmas Eve, Izzy can't resist her roommate's bold advances."

I was wrapping a last-minute gift when Carli, my roommate, entered our apartment. "Jesus, it's cold out there!"Focused on the task before me, I didn't look up while she stamped the snow from her boots. "You wouldn't be so cold...

Bosom Buddies

"Best friends Rowyn and Charity share more than just secrets."

Bosom buddies. That was what my mom always called me and Charity. While the term usually made me and my best friend snicker, I couldn't help but think of it now, when the two of us stood facing each other...

Sunny Side Up

"Room mates fool around to distract from the summer heat"

The apartment was swelteringly hot. It felt more like an oven with the stagnant air and the voyeuristic sunlight glaring into the living room through the crevices of the vertical blinds and the sheer curtain over them. Otherwise, the room...

Who Do They Call?

"Who does an escort call when he wants the GFE?"

Have you ever wondered who a doctor calls when he gets sick? Or who cleans a dentist's teeth? What happens when a therapist gets the ol' gloomies?They phone a friend, obviously."Hey, you working tonight?"Claire checked over her shoulder to make...