A Wife’s Gang Bang Revenge

"A wife gang bangs 3 guys to get revenge back at her cheating husband"

My husband and I had been married for almost two years when he decided to sleep with one on the young bimbo’s he had worked with. I had started dating my husband when were back in college. He is 31...

Sweet Baby Jane, Chapter Four

"The girls plan comes to a head...his, many times over as each take our passions seriously."

Her body moved away from my back as the other two forced me to lie back onto the comforter’s satin smooth surface and began lavishing me with kisses and caress. Each paid particular caress to the bulge laying down my...

Contracts . . . . (chapter 18)

"Yanni and I were being contracted out and we were liking it."

The relationship with Yanni was going great. We have accustomed to each other in a very short time and we are very happy together. We are constantly enjoying our sex and we try to find our likes and dislikes. So...

Niece’s Family Fun

"A young niece discovers what is taboo with her family."

Leeza awoke from her sleep with that warm moist feeling between her legs again as she reminisced back on the two weeks she spent at her Uncle Ron and Aunt Diana’s house. She imagined Uncle Ron’s coarse tongue touching her...