Big Girls Need Love Too!: Chapter 4 – Fools Seldom Differ!

"Shelly and Mark have a return engagement with their lovers and a new relationship starts to form"

Sunday, August 17th, 2023My dearest wife,On Wednesday I received your first two letters describing all the fun you and Simon were having and I thought I might return the sentiment only I had no erotic tales to tell. Then I...

Corfu Casting: Main Event

"Jessica is put through her paces for the cameras."

Jessica sat cross-legged on the bed with her back resting on the headboard, surrounded by studio lights, reflectors and cameras. She wore a bronze-coloured, sparkly dress, black sequined panties and high heels. Thin white tights stopped above her knees, with...

Soulful Escapades: In The Heat Of The Night

"Pleasure takes center stage as the foursome has an unforgettable night on the town."

After a long, blissful afternoon of sun, pleasure, and surrender, Tiffany and I retreat to our glam room to get ready for a night that’s sure to be unforgettable. The room is softly lit by the warm glow of the...

Isaac’s Turn

"After watching his wife fuck time after time, Isaac finally gets some for himself"

Isis certainly got her groove back. Years past, she had many pleasures. Isaac had been there for some of them in incredible threesomes when she had him and another man. For some of her other escapades, Isaac was absent. He...

Rare Breeds

"Issy, Sarah, Dan, and Mr Redding break into school on a Sunday to sin"

‘So,’ Dan said to the girls, ‘this is where you went to school?’Sarah strode down the empty entrance hall, her ponytails swinging side to side, her footsteps piercing the quiet. ‘This place hasn’t changed one bit,’ she said over her...

First Four

"A hot couple looking to branch out lands an insanely hot foursome"

It was early October, around 4:30 pm on a Tuesday when I got home from work. Isis arrived about an hour later, her usual exhausted expression from a hard day’s work was absent and in its place was a bounce...