For who is Love? My heart knows not,I write to you to plea;Dear Love, I want to meet you now,Please grace my life with thee. You see, I fell for Lust's disguise,And Lonely tricked me too;A fevered fuck was not enough,For nothing...
Yeti Again!
"I got lost while skiing and was rescued twice."
I knew I was dead; I just knew it. I shouldn't have stormed away from that dickhead who wouldn't leave me alone on the slopes. I'm a decent skier, but not ready for the slope I found myself on. It...
The Barrel Key
"A home for an old key."
Discarded, thought lostOne time it meant morePresently old and worn Cast aside in a drawerForgotten through yearsIts value diminishedTarnish eclipsingA once lustrous finishStem and shoulder chipped Bow battered and wornThe latch set corrodedLong since forlornUnexpectedly foundWarmth comfort and trustHeld now...
You’re Late: Pt 1
"He finally found me."
At this point in my life, I've been living for the weekends. Friday night came quickly and I was excited to finally get some rest. Some time after 11 PM, I managed to escape from work and drive my twenty...