For who is Love? My heart knows not,I write to you to plea;Dear Love, I want to meet you now,Please grace my life with thee. You see, I fell for Lust's disguise,And Lonely tricked me too;A fevered fuck was not enough,For nothing...

Yeti Again!

"I got lost while skiing and was rescued twice."

I knew I was dead; I just knew it. I shouldn't have stormed away from that dickhead who wouldn't leave me alone on the slopes. I'm a decent skier, but not ready for the slope I found myself on. It...

The Barrel Key

"A home for an old key."

Discarded, thought lostOne time it meant morePresently old and worn Cast aside in a drawerForgotten through yearsIts value diminishedTarnish eclipsingA once lustrous finishStem and shoulder chipped Bow battered and wornThe latch set corrodedLong since forlornUnexpectedly foundWarmth comfort and trustHeld now...


"Love’s moment of creation"

Plucked from her branch, perfect apple sweet, In the heart of his own paradise. Her centre a havoc of lustful heat. His voice a litany of vice. The act forbidden, her body unsung, As his teeth broke her porcelain skin....


"Misplaced in a waking world of silent dreams"

The city burns down around my footsteps Consumed by the fires of inattention Discarded and forgotten  Like a gentle whisper upon a breeze Fluttering away like the cold ash of the morning after I pass through this place  Walking, hoping...