The Forest house

"Rachel and Lucille have their first time."

I looked up into the sky as I walked the fields, bathing in the dying sunlight one last time before it fell under the horizon. I ran past field after field, and tree after tree, my heart thudding in my...

The Wolf’s Maiden

"Accused of witchcraft and driven into the forests of France, Annabel, Julia and Edward need to live."

Chapter 1 Annabel carefully walked through the tall forest, checking the traps her lover Edward had laid out to catch unsuspecting rabbits. It had been five months since they were chased out of their home in London. A priest had...

The Queen of the Fall

"A mysterious lady walks through the forest"

Mysterious lady walks through the morning glade, a veil of icy dew, to her feet adheres Birds alight on her hands, she is their chorus maid, her presence, it wakes the buck and deer Nymphs and Elves shy away, in...

The Angel And The Rose

"He went to remember his childhood dreams... And found an angel."

It all started in the middle of August . My best friend Tim and I had decided to spend the weekend at a lake where I had some kind of smallish cottage. The whole area had been owned by my...

Renee and her brother

"Siblings meet after a 6yr separation"

Renee and her brother                 Siblings meet after a 6yr separation This is the story of a meeting between brother and sister after 6 years. It is a fantasy but one that could be very true for some people. Please feel free...