The Job – Chp 4: Losing Control

"Stan starts to lose control of himself while he takes the most expensive shower of his life!"

A scalding rope of cum ejaculated forcefully from Stan’s tool. Stan’s hands convulsed as they grasped the length of his heavy jutting shaft.The growing beast inside him took more hold of him with every shock of pleasure, driving him to...

The Job – Chp 3: Giving In

"How much of his humanity will a father sacrifice to protect his family in a future dystopia?"

“No murr...noaurr...” Stan slurred between breaths as his thick tongue slurped the bottom of the canister greedily. He couldn't stop himself from trying to get every morsel still clinging to the inner rim. His stomach churned, he felt so full...

The Job – Chp 2: The Changes

"How much of his humanity will a father sacrifice to protect his family in a future dystopia?"

They held each other for a long time, their bodies subtly swaying with the constant low rumble of the machines flying overhead. He felt her body's heat against his, her familiar form felt strange against his chest. Finally, Stan broke...

The Job – Chp 1: The Contract

"How much of his humanity will a father sacrifice to protect his family in a future dystopia?"

“Honey, you know you don't have to do this, we can find another way.” Emily’s arms wrapped around Stan’s slim figure, pulling him backwards as she leaned into him.“You know I do,” Stan said sadly as he looked into his...