That’s What Best Friends Are For Chapter 2

"Breanne has some embarrassing experiences over dinner with her new housemates"

“You only gave me two plates, Jess.” The nap had been all too short, and now I stood in the middle of the kitchen, still naked on my best friend’s insistence, plates in hands and feeling increasingly awkward. “I know,...

Sweetest Sins

"Chocolate And Sex Are My Sweetest Sins"

Have you ever loved two things so much you think to yourself if I love them each so much putting them together would be genius! I so have, and that’s what I plan to do. I happen to love sex,...

La Matadora – Part 2

"Leilani recounts the origins of her oral fixation"

My appreciation of male seed is directly proportionate to my arousal. About five minutes down the road the my post-orgasmic fugue had passed, and I no longer felt like a dirty girl, just a messy one. I pulled off the...

My Just Desserts

"Being in control and controlled always makes for a fun night."

I cannot believe how I have been awaiting Steve’s arrival home. I have been home getting our evening ready and anticipating his reaction, when he walks in the door. The candles are lit and the house smells of sweet seduction....

Chicken Tonight

"A simple meal isn't always so simple"

I called ahead today,Rather than just show up,And she said she was makingChicken tonight.She works as hardAs I do,And we have nothingTo bind us,No ring, no vows,No obligations.She doesn't need to make it, but...But chicken,The way she does it,Is a...