His Fixation – Part 1

"At risk of losing her job, Aurora enters into a seedy arrangement with an executive."

This is far from a love story, but it's my story to tell, and it began the day Mr. Frost called me into his office. I tried to hide my nervousness as I sat down, for I had no idea...

Calling His Bluff – Part 1

"Colleen dares an anonymous caller to reveal himself to her."

The phone on my nightstand emitted a shrill ring, and I swore under my breath while fumbling to answer it. For the fourth time this week, I'd been woken by someone calling just before midnight. As I now sat up...

Five Days: Tuesday

"Jack comes back to help Maggie with more chores, and Maggie puts on a show for Jack"

TUESDAYMaggie smiled, turning off the 7:00 a.m. alarm that had drawn her from her slumber. Sunlight streamed in through her window. Birds could be heard chirping outside. Jack was coming over in a little under an hour. Throwing off her...


"Two Strangers Properly Meet"

His hands cast a spell over her wanton, heaving flesh, his tongue a sensual twister on her forbidden zones.  She squeezed her breasts, tugging on nipples, as he enslaved her with licks, touches, and steaming glances of aroused yearning.  Ambushed...