The Vase

"Julie's date brings her flowers"

Julie sat nervously waiting for her date to arrive. She played with her long dark hair, checking her makeup, adjusting the straps on her green party frock. She hadn’t been on a date for months.Her sister peeked out through the...

The Dawn of Apollo

"a poem or shall I say psalm on how I imagine gods take care of their morning boners"

A stray tulip in a meadow near a river framed by smooth, gray stones, Like a path made of waterPetals blush-bright open up and out - toward the sun… like flirting with the lightApollo, his curiosity, and his grace,  as gentle...

Why The Flowers Are Red

"Two gods decided to bless an empty world with their love."

It was on the barren plains where they first touched. But touching is only ever the beginning.The two gods laid upon the ground, letting their bodies merge together in lover’s embrace. Their passion made the world move with every thrust,...

Afternoon Distraction

"Just a ride in the country"

All I know is that she shrieked, “OMG LOOK AT THOSE, can we stop?”The second the car rolled to a stop she was out and in the field. The next thing WHAM and she was naked and I am laying...